Breast milk is best for your baby

Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for healthy growth and development of babies. Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months is the optimal way of feeding infants. Thereafter infants should receive complementary foods with continued breastfeeding up to two years or beyond. Good maternal nutrition helps sustain an adequate supply and quality of breast milk. Unnecessary introduction of bottle feeding, partially or fully, or of other complementary foods and drinks may have a negative impact on breastfeeding, which may be irreversible. Consult your doctor and consider the social and financial implications before deciding to use breast milk substitutes or if you have difficulty breastfeeding. Follow usage, preparation and storage instructions of breast milk substitutes or of other complementary foods and drinks carefully as improper or unnecessary use may pose a health hazard.

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Practical Tips for Curious Kids

Practical Tips for Curious Kids

Your toddler is naturally curious in a world where everything is new to him. And as your precious child, he wants to share his discoveries with you, even if you have seen it for the thousandth time. Instead of feeling bogged down by his enthusiasm, here are some tips that can help you enjoy the experience and enhance his curiosity.

Let him lead
Follow his imagination, wherever it may take him. Be there to encourage him while ensuring his safety. Your confidence in him builds his confidence, and allows his creative nature to grow. You can also bring him to the zoo, science centre, or even your local farm and let him tell you where he wants to go.

Enjoy the ride
Just because we are adults it doesn’t mean we can’t indulge in our inner child once in a while. Stroll through the park and follow the trail of ants. Hold his hand and stomp a puddle to see the wondrous splash. Make up stories together based on what you see in the clouds. Let him surprise you.

Activity meets adventure
With a bit of ingenuity, even a picnic can become a princess-saving epic adventure (or whatever adventure he fancies). Give him a knight’s helmet and allow him to find his favourite branch as a weapon. Then send him on a mission to find the princess (doll). When he succeeds with your help, reward him with a well-earned sandwich.

See it from his perspective
There’s nothing quite like seeing the world again through your child’s eyes. We often forget that he might be too small to even see the table top. Spend some time and effort and create an environment that is fun, safe, and within his reach. For starters, you can get him involved in making his own cardboard box kingdom.

Nourish his curiosity
You can supplement your child’s curiosity even through his diet. Increasing his DHA and Vitamin A intake helps visual signal transmission between eyes and brain. Inositol provides clear eye lens, while taurine is an important antioxidant found in the eye and brain.

Using your own imagination, time and effort, you can make the whole experience fun and memorable for your child. Tap into your child’s imagination today – you’ll be glad you did!

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