Raising a Smarter Toddler

A child’s brain undergoes three major phases of development. The first is brain weight gain which is then followed by the brain cell division phase where the cells divide and multiply rapidly. The third phase is myelination, where a fatty layer insulates the neurons, enabling faster transmission of information and complex brain processes.
Suffice to say, these formative years are critical for your child’s brain development. By providing a good environment to support maximum brain growth and stimulation for learning, you can help your child maximise her potential.
Here are some general tips:
- Nourish her brain: Brain growth requires fuel, and that fuel is nutrition. Be sure to provide a balanced diet that contains DHA and other essential nutrients that help assist brain development.
- Develop a close relationship: Show your affection at every chance you get. Growing up in a safe and loving environment helps her learn faster and better.
- Discipline her when needed : Loving her doesn’t mean spoiling her. By establishing boundaries of behaviour you can help your child focus on what is permissible and beneficial for her. Keeping a regular routine also helps her focus and develop time management skills.
- Learn with her: Ask about her day. Read stories with her. Sing together. When you are a partner in her learning process, she is more likely to enjoy and excel at it.
- Let her explore: Watch over her, but allow her to explore where it is safe. Having her on a short leash can stifle her desire and ability to learn.
- Understand your child is unique: Resist the urge to compare her with her peers and accept that she needs to grow at her own pace. Adapting to her preferred learning style will usually produce the best results.