Developing Your Child's Emotional Intelligence - Dutch Lady Smart Moments

Breast milk is best for your baby

Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for healthy growth and development of babies. Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months is the optimal way of feeding infants. Thereafter infants should receive complementary foods with continued breastfeeding up to two years or beyond. Good maternal nutrition helps sustain an adequate supply and quality of breast milk. Unnecessary introduction of bottle feeding, partially or fully, or of other complementary foods and drinks may have a negative impact on breastfeeding, which may be irreversible. Consult your doctor and consider the social and financial implications before deciding to use breast milk substitutes or if you have difficulty breastfeeding. Follow usage, preparation and storage instructions of breast milk substitutes or of other complementary foods and drinks carefully as improper or unnecessary use may pose a health hazard.

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Developing Your Child’s Emotional Intelligence

Developing Your Child's Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is an important aspect of your child’s development. It represents his ability to detect, decipher, and control emotions both in himself and others in positive ways. Good emotional intelligence helps with conflict resolution, teamwork, and social well being.

It can be difficult for your child at first to see why he should share his toy with others, or care about whether his friend cries, but you can be there to guide him.
Here are some ways you can help develop his emotional intellect.

Empathise with him
If he is surrounded by people who genuinely seek to understand and share with him, he will develop the same trait.

Ask him to share
You can ask your toddler if he is willing to share his toy in a turn-taking way. Let him decide how long he is willing to lend his toy for. If he agrees, reinforce this positive behaviour with praise. Forcing him to share will backfire, as he will associate sharing with negativity.

Teach him about consequence
Everything in life has consequences. Have him make an active choice by giving him options. As the events occur, remind him he has made a decision that has generated that outcome. This way, he will be more mindful of his actions.

Resolve conflicts step-by-step
Conflicts are part and parcel of our life, but your child may not be equipped to deal with it yet. Help him by providing simple step-by-step conflict resolution plans.

Talk him through his feelings
If he is upset about something, asking him why can help him discover why he feels that way, the root cause, and also how he can deal with the emotion or situation. As he learns to express himself verbally he will also reduce the necessity to express it physically.

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