Encouraging good behaviour

As your child starts to be more independent and doing things on his own, it’s important for you to guide and supervise him. This means teaching him about what’s right and wrong, and how to do things properly.
At six, children need positive reinforcement and approval, especially from authority figures. Compliment good behaviour and highlight what was done right, rather than reprimand him for what was done wrong. This lets your child know that he gets attention and praise for the right reasons.
At this age, logic and reason can also be applied. Instead of a quick “because I said so!” explain why something might be wrong and try to get him to come to that conclusion himself.
Finally, don’t be afraid to offer a treat now and then to reward good behaviour. This isn’t so much as a bribe, but rather a tangible reward that comes from good behaviour. It is, however, important to make the distinction between this and rewarding him for not misbehaving, which sends an entirely different message.