Your 6-year-old’s developmental milestones

Your child will start to form social bonds, develop skills, and grow both mentally and emotionally during the early school years. This is also a period of discovery and independence, when he starts to figure out what he likes and tries to assert himself more.
Here are some of the milestones you can expect as your child hits the 6-year mark:
Motor skills
While your child might still appear a bit uncoordinated, this is the age when his motor skills are developing and it’s a good time to teach him how to ride a bike. You’ll also find that he can now move in time to music or a beat, opening up a whole new world of fun activities for the both of you to do together.
Thinking skills
At this age, your child will start interacting with the world and people through language and logic, rather than just observation. This means he will start engaging in more abstract thinking and develop reasoning skills. Depending on the situation, he might need guidance to understand why he might not be able to have or do something. You can gently help him think through the consequences of his intended actions and let him come to the conclusion himself that it would be unhealthy or wrong.
Social and emotional development
As your child opens up and forms friendships, you have to be mindful of all the things that might entail. While he’s displaying more independence, he’s also feeling less secure and might crave affection or approval from you and teachers. Broken friendships might also cause pain and confusion, and peer pressure will start to come into play.
This period is undeniably challenging, but with diligence, love, and guidance, it can also be an exciting and life-shaping one.